Mission & Vision


To strive towards a society where there is equality. In a larger perspective, abolition of bonded labour system is only one aspect of the many ills facing our society. There are scores of other issues such as un-touchability, gender discrimination, female foeticide, child marriage, dowry, superstitions, drug abuse, minimum wage etc. However, the core area of work for BMM remains bonded labour with a two-fold objective: one, to eradicate bonded labour with more emphasis on children and two, to ensure rescued labourers get full benefits of rehabilitation package as provided by the law. This is the only way of preventing the possibility of affected families getting into the exploitative trap of bonded labour once again.


  1. Identification of Bonded and Child Labourers across the length and breadth of this country and then work for their release and rehabilitation.
  2. Force the government to come up with a  National Wage Policy and implement a National Minimum age for all labourers across the country.
  3. Work for organizing the labourers in the unorganized sector
  4. Initiate non-violent movements against all forms of oppression, discrimination and marginalization
  5.  Enforcement of free and compulsory elementary education to ensure that all children under the age of 14 avail themselves of quality education based on a curriculum, which is socially relevant and pedagogically sound and stimulating. The Government, and not the poor parents,  to assume responsibility for implementation.  Urgent steps to be taken to establish community managed schools wherever such facilities are not available. All schools, including the existing formal ones, to be run on the model of neighbourhood schools.
  6. Given the nexus between poverty and child labour, the parents of child labourers to be covered by National Minimum Wages norms i.e. at par with  the wages of class IV employees in the Government.  A minimum of  240 days of employment to be guaranteed at National Minimum Wage level.   As a matter of fact, this is mandated through  Article 43 of our Constitution.
  7. All means of mass communication, particularly the Media and the Social media to  disseminate  information on all aspects of NMW in all languages and dialects on regular basis and entertainingly through folk art and music. This will empower the voiceless and unorganized labour to galvanize and unitedly fight for a rightful place in society. The resources of the mass media  also to  be used effectively to raise public awareness concerning the evils of child labour and to motivate the parents and the community at large to help all children under 14 to attend schools, with particular emphasis on  girl children.
  8. Both Government and the Civil society to be galvanized to abolish the abominable caste system and fatalistic attitudes and socio-religious customs which tend to perpetuate gender inequality.
  9. Implementation of TOTAL PROHIBITION to eradicate poverty and child labour. (Article 47 of Indian Constitution)